Tuesday 28 May 2013

Thursday 23 May 2013

Kodiak bear

The Kodiak bear, also known as the Kodiak brown bear or the Alaskan grizzly bear, occupies the islands of the Kodiak Archipelago in South-Western Alaska. Its name in the Alutiiq language is Taquka-aq. It is also known as the brown bear.

the amazing tiger

The tiger is the largest cat and can reach up to 3.3 meters long and can weigh an astonishing 306 kg.

The caracal

The caracal   also known as the desert lynx, is a w  that is widely distributed across Africa, central Asia and southwest India. In 2002 the  IUCN listed the caracal as  as it is widespread and relatively common. The felid is considered threatened , and rare in the central Asian republics and India.

Tuesday 21 May 2013


Another name for a puma is a cougar or mountain lion. The puma is the largest of the small cats in america with males reaching over 2m long.

Animal cruelty

 This post is about animal cruelty. It intrests me how owners could treat any creature in the way they do. People  are cruel enough to drown unwanted kittens just because they were to lazy to get their pets desexed before the had the kittens.  I chose this not because it intrests me but because I want to raise awareness about the way some horrible people treat their pets.



Monday 13 May 2013

The best thing that happend in term 1 is when we got to go to camp. I learned how to blow the conj..